
ALTA app Presets

Discussion in 'ALTA' started by Stefan Helborg, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Stefan Helborg

    Oct 11, 2015
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    When I created a new Presets in my ALTA app and will Apply, I get a "File verification failed. Check all settings!"

    I can see that it has loaded the new settings in the app. Others have experience with this problem and knows the solution?

    I think it is that you can have several different presets for different setup, where you then have to have different "hover Throttle".
  2. Gary Haynes

    Gary Haynes Administrator
    Staff Member

    Jul 6, 2012
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    That error should be reported to support@freeflysystems.com.

    If each preset means a different setup with somewhat large change in weight then yes the "Hover Throttle" would need to be set. But it takes a pretty big change to need a value change on the throttle. Remember that the HT setting is so that with a centered throttle stick when you switch Altitude Hold OFF you are trying to have the Alta stay at the same altitude without climbing or descending with the change to AH OFF. Usually with a weight change it is different but not dramatic.

    Setting up with a 2kg load and then jumping to a 10kg load then it can get interesting. :)

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