
Pro Res on M15

Discussion in 'MōVI M15' started by Cody Cochran, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Cody Cochran

    Cody Cochran New Member

    Nov 25, 2014
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    We want to purchase an M15 for our C100. Also we want to use the Ninja recorder for Pro Res along with our Paralinx Arrow +. What is the best way to go about this or is it possible to do? The C100 only has one HDMI port.

    Can you daisy chain from the C100 into the Ninja then the HDMI out goes to the Paralinx? Then just get a usb power supply for the transmitter?
  2. Austin Glass

    Austin Glass Active Member

    Aug 1, 2013
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    The Ninja Blade has HDMI pass-through, so you will be able to send signal out to the Paralinx. I've done this a number of times with DSLR sources.

    And you are correct, the Paralinx TX will require USB power from somewhere.
  3. Phil Macdonald

    Apr 6, 2013
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    This is a really nice little setup actually - we do a similar thing with our C300 and Atomos Samurai, just to give us an onboard backup but also prores 422. As Austin said the Blade has an extra benefit for you in that you can passthrough the HDMI. But you can use your blade as a monitor on the top handles, pop the paralinx into the screwthread on the top there and boom happy days.

    With regards to powering the paralinx we do that via LiPO batteries. So with the M15 obviously you now have two battery holders which is a godsend. So we have one powering the MoVI and then using a splitter we power both video feed and follow focus with the other.

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