
Back Hitting Handles - Otherwise Perfect Balance

Discussion in 'MōVI M15' started by Andrew Spirk, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. Andrew Spirk

    Andrew Spirk New Member

    Jun 17, 2013
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    I've come across a pretty big problem that I haven't seen discussed anywhere on the forums. Believe me, I looked.

    The problem is that when doing the pan adjustment, I have to slide the sled all the way back to achieve perfect balance with the CG on the pan motor. When it's set, the handles now hit the back of the gimbal on each side. I can't find any way to get around this problem without limiting the rotation to ~160 degrees, which can be a problem.

    Is this something I just have to live with? Our M10 doesn't have this problem with the same loadout, but the M15 does.

    IMG_0012.jpeg IMG_0013.jpeg IMG_0014.jpg
  2. jim mundell

    jim mundell Member

    Jan 15, 2014
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    On my phone and can't pull up your photos, but is it just when your tuning it? If so losen the handles and rotate them upward. It shows that on one of the tutorials.
  3. Andrew Spirk

    Andrew Spirk New Member

    Jun 17, 2013
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    Thanks for the quick response.

    Well, it's when it's been tuned, but just in general it's hitting the handles regardless. It's not a huge deal considering I can manually tune just fine, but it seemed a little odd that the pan knuckle can extend that far back, yet doing so means the handles get in the way when rotating around.
  4. Brett Harrison

    Brett Harrison Active Member

    Apr 7, 2013
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    Yes you're right in my experience.

    The handles bar needs to be just a bit longer for those balances where you need to come that far back.

    Or you could add counter weight to the back of the camera so you don't have to come back that far. Common on light bodies with long profile like f55.

    Could also source a longer pipe!
  5. Kurt Wallrath

    Kurt Wallrath Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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    Brett is right, you could source a carbon fiber tube. The tubes are 25mm. The other option if you need 360 degrees of rotation is to rotate the handle bars up. You can do this sans tool if you loosen the handle bar from the kip handles below the top handle. Do this before you mount anything to the handle bars though. And remember, if you rotate the handle bars back to the original position, anything on the handle will rotate also.

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