
Smoothing and Window settings for Majestic Mode

Discussion in 'MōVI M15' started by Kurt Wallrath, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. Kurt Wallrath

    Kurt Wallrath Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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    Just curious what settings everyone else prefers for Majestic Mode. I usually have a small window (around 5 for pan, 3 for tilt) and have smoothing around 8. However, I'm thinking I should have Smooth higher to avoid those quick starting and stopping pans. I'm curious to others thoughts on this topic...
  2. Austin Glass

    Austin Glass Active Member

    Aug 1, 2013
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    The short answer is, for me anyway, there is no universal setting.

    Now, for the long answer…

    I always choose settings based on several factors:
    • focal length
    • camera/subject relative movement
    • predicted amount of stabilization needed
    Focal length-
    Usually wider lenses do not require pan/tilt movements to be as fast as tighter lenses would be. Smoothing settings are typically higher on tighter lenses, as long as the camera is able to keep up with its subject, which brings us to:

    Camera/subject relative distance-
    If the frame is tight, and/or the subject is moving quickly, smoothing will be turned down, as well as the window to allow for an easier follow. Conversely, if the frame is wide and/or tracking a slow moving subject, I will turn the smoothing up.

    Predicted amount of stabilization needed-
    This is mostly how it pertains to the window settings. Some scenarios require more stabilization than others (i.e.- if I am shooting from a vehicle in bumpy conditions). If you increase the pan/tilt window, the accidental bumps and movements will be filtered out. When you do need to reframe, you ride the edge of your window until you achieve the frame you're looking for.
    Ryan Hamelin likes this.
  3. Kurt Wallrath

    Kurt Wallrath Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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    I really appreciate you taking the time to give a thorough answer Austin, thank you!

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