
Phone not going back to center?

Discussion in 'Movi Technical' started by Chris Clough, Jul 9, 2018.

  1. Chris Clough

    Chris Clough New Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    In some modes the phone doesnt re-center. If i'm using say Barrel and set it to snap, sometimes if I click the trigger to get it to snap and it misses and cant find the horizon then when I right the movi, the phone is not pointing straight. I've found the only way to fix it is to go to Majestic mode then back to Barrel. I've had the issue with some other modes too.

    Is there a future option or maybe a current one to bring the phone to center? I know with say the Osmo Mobile, if you click the trigger twice it re-centers the phone.

  2. Deniz Ozgoren

    Deniz Ozgoren Support Mage
    Staff Member

    Dec 17, 2015
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    Assuming you are talking about "window", here is how it is defined for each method:
    • Majestic: You can change on toolbar
    • Echo: Fixed at 5 degrees for all axis
    • Movilapse: Fixed at 15 degrees for all axis
    • Timelapse: No concept of window
    • Orbit: Fixed at 20 degrees for all axis, except pan doesn't apply if orbit is active
    • Barrel Roll: Fixed at 20 degrees for pan and tilt. Roll is either "hold" or "snap"
    • Smartpod: No concept of window

    "If i'm using say Barrel and set it to snap, sometimes if I click the trigger to get it to snap and it misses and cant find the horizon then when I right the movi"
    • Sorry I don't fully understand this. A video explanation would be the best.

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