
Flight Times

Discussion in 'ALTA X' started by Russell White, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. Russell White

    Russell White New Member

    Jun 9, 2021
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    We are having some short flight times according to what's been listed. I'm using the compact Tattu 16,000 mAh batteries at full charge, 8.5 pound payload (including the landing gear) and I'm hitting 44v at the 20 minute mark. From what I understand, we should be heading home at 44v.

    What is everyone else experiencing?
  2. Eric Braun

    Eric Braun New Member

    Jan 24, 2020
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    We're running down to 42v but with a larger payload. With something this large, please correct me if I'm wrong, but we focus on the mah that goes back into the batteries after flight. We target as close to a 20% reserve or above as we can. So, for the 16,000mah batteries you'd want to see 12,800mah or less going back in when charging. The voltage depends on payload, heavier loads dragging the voltage further down than lighter loads, so the voltage isn't the final arbiter. It's a combination. So with such a light payload I'd be cautious going lower. A little stream of consciousness here... so, to summarize:

    Fly your 8.5lb. payload to 44v. Note the time that it takes to reach 44v. For this example 20 minutes
    Charge the batteries and note the mah back in. For this example let's say it was 10,000mah
    Do the ratio math: 10,000mah/12800mah = 20 min/x so x=25.6 minutes
    Try 23 minutes next, or something less than the 25.6 minutes but more than 20 minutes, so you kind of creep up on it in case you overlooked something in the process.

    At lease, this is what I do with something as large as the X to be sure. I kind of creep up on that magic 20% reserve for a given payload. You still do need voltage, though in case you run one flight harder than the other. It's a combination of time and voltage,

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