
Demo Reel?

Discussion in 'CineStar Showcase (Photo/Video)' started by Will Mays, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Will Mays

    Will Mays New Member

    Oct 22, 2013
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    Hey guys,

    Some of you may have already chatted with me, but I'm working on a business plan using UAV's for a school project. I have my presentation tomorrow and I'd like to use a demo reel to give my audience a visual of the potential of UAV's. Preferably something that includes real estate, construction, music video and scenic applications would be nice. I've looked on youtube and vimeo and although some awesome stuff, I'd like a video that includes everything. If not, I'll just use a popular one. Any suggestions?

    If you let me use your video, I'll give you credit for it. And it will be shown in front of some very successful entrepreneurs. Thanks guys.
  2. Dave King

    Dave King Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2012
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    You can use my first ones I made about 5 months ago. They are not that great, I put two together rather quick to show clients.


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