
CineStar8 in Europe Late October into November

Discussion in 'Jobs & Resumes' started by Jim Panou, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Jim Panou

    Jim Panou New Member

    Aug 19, 2014
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    Hi All,
    First time posting here.

    Back in 2011, I came across the work of FreeFly Cinema and suggested that they would be the right team to work with with us on the film Watermark. Tabb and Hugh were great to work with for both film as well as stills using a Hasselblad H4 camera with 50mm lens (5.7lbs).

    I am currently co-ordinating a new project that we will be shooting in various countries in Europe this fall. It is stills only using the same Hasselblad. I would like to find someone to possibly work with based in Berlin, near Prague and/or Warsaw. Will most likely be one or two of these locations at most. My hope is that we can do this with a CineStar8. Do not need remote camera point of view/transmission hardware. We hope to use the same one from the previous project which I think FreeFly will let us do.

    Please do not respond unless you are near these locations or are suggesting someone from there. Have not factored in a budget to fly people in.

    Tentative dates would fall between Oct 27 - Nov 14, 2014.


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