
Best way to Collect Data

Discussion in 'MōVI Pro API' started by Shalin Mehta, Jan 10, 2018.

  1. Shalin Mehta

    Shalin Mehta New Member

    Jan 9, 2018
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    I just got a Movi Pro and I'd like to collect some data from it. I'd like to:
    1. measure the response time of the Movi to MIMIC movements
    2. measure how much jitters there are

    I'd like to get something similar to the chart in the phone app in Monitor > Charts > Motors, but I can't actually download the data from the app.

    I'd prefer to use a RaspberryPi to collect the data, but I also have an Arduino Uno lying around. The API doc says that the Uno can't receive data from the Movi. Is that because of the low memory? If I have the Uno connected to a PC would I be able to collect data?

    Or is there a way to collect data with a PC connected to the MIMIC directly?

    Thank you
  2. Robert Hill

    Robert Hill New Member

    Mar 6, 2019
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    I agree with you Shalin, I would like to get more data through the API. I could take a power density spectrum of the camera (response) in a particular environment and determine if the adjustments I am making to improve it are making a difference.
  3. Robert Hill

    Robert Hill New Member

    Mar 6, 2019
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    I was able to to talk to the gimbal using the API, QX277, QX287 and could get some useful stuff like: status quaternions, gimbal status to ID system errors, battery voltage.

    The phone has a lot of really, really good features, but unfortunately and I can't get the data from the phone...or can I?

    What would I like to have?
    1. Motor health info (am I driving this too hard, should I consider a re-balance?) Temperature, current draw, position?
    2. GPS info: where am I? This is helpful if I want to know where to point.
    3. An ability to set modes through the com port.
    4. There is an ability in the phone to follow a trajectory...7 positional frames? What if I want more than 7? This is a good use for a computer. I could feed several frames...heck just borrow the "target here" command and send it a GPS sequence.
    5. Compass data. Does it even have a compass or is this loose language for an IMU?
    6. Independent frame and gimbal orientation would be good to know.

    Now I remember that I was programming a circuit one time. I could send high level commands to the processor chip and mix in low-level machine hexidecimal commands to control the sub-component. Maybe the same thing could be done here?

    I took apart the MoviPro to see what sub-components I would have to try to talk to. The Bluetooth (BLE) seems like the most promising since it already send most of the information I need to the App, it just doesn't provide the data to the API where I could use it to interface with the MOVI in a meaningful way.

    The bluetooth appears to be BMD-300: Bluetooth 5, which is based on a prolific Nordic Semiconductor BLE chip.


    Nordic makes a lot of nice debugging tools for the phone. I have been able to connect to the MOVI through my computer's bluetooth and look at (and set) some of the service characteristics through the GATT profile, but I haven't yet figure out what all of them mean. Should be able to. Thinking that perhaps I can grab the Bluetooth signals and emulate them to at least do things like automatically set up the gimbal, go through auto tune, ect. Maybe I can set up a series of "track here" in the computer by walking through my scene path and send then send them out as a sequence to follow. Has anyone gone down this path? Ambiguity and pun intended. :)

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