
Movi XL + futaba control

Discussion in 'MōVI XL' started by Ariel Velez, Oct 30, 2018.

  1. Ariel Velez

    Ariel Velez New Member

    Jul 14, 2017
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    Hi. I would need to know if there is a possibility to connect the movi xl to a futaba command.

    when I use the MXL in my cablecam Dactyl and reach 170 meters away from the controler, the head loses signal then I would like to try with a futaba.
    It usually happens when the show is performed in large stadiums

    Did someone do this before?
    Thank you very much for any info!
  2. Ozkan Erden

    Ozkan Erden Distributor

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Yes, we use MoviXL with Futaba too.

    You need a cable from Freefly store though.

    Another thing you can do is to add a booster to Movi Controller. Search the forums on this topic, you will find useful info there.

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