
What is the ACTUAL weight of M5/M10/M15?

Discussion in 'MōVI M10' started by Jim Elliott, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. Jim Elliott

    Jim Elliott New Member

    Feb 8, 2018
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    Hi, need help in deciding which Movi to get. I think it’s possible to run my C200 on the m5 with a small lens and slightly limited tilt (That’s ok). But weight is a big deal to me in terms of how fun I find filming.

    The specs of the weights of the movi’s are unclear. Does it include handles/batteries, also different sites say different things. I’ve seen sites say the m10 is heavier than m5 and other sites say opposite!

    If anyone can weigh their Movi m5 or m10 or m15, with or without battery, with handles (and plate?) then it would be greatly appreciated!

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