
Alta Spiraled Out of Control and Nosedive - Crashed

Discussion in 'ALTA' started by Ali Ahmed, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. Stefan Helborg

    Oct 11, 2015
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    On the ground and during takeoff, My ALTA is in Kill mode. When liftet into the air (mabye only 1-2 meters) the I set it to Majestic og Dual mode
  2. Steve Maller

    Steve Maller UAV Grief Counselor

    Oct 30, 2012
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    It might just be me, but I'd never take off in kill mode. The MōVI is susceptible to all kinds of issues if it's allowed to move freely like that. Why don't you take off in Majestic? I do this:
    1. motors off, MōVI killed
    2. start motors, perform basic checks
    3. throttle up motors to about 25% (enough to maintain yaw authority) and if in handheld mode, yaw to "front" of MōVI
    4. MōVI to majestic mode (copter might spin if throttle is too low)
    5. immediate apply throttle to lift off
    This works 100% of the time for me. In Airborne mode, replace step 4 with "MōVI to lock mode".
    MIke Magee likes this.
  3. Stefan Helborg

    Oct 11, 2015
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    I've never actually tried to take off in the majestic, as I am afraid that it will begin to rotate. But it does of course make sense to have it in the kill mode, and just before you take off, turn it over in the majestic, where the motors already holds the drone steady.

    I never use airborne mode, because, when I lose the connection to the Movi, it will go in a setting I do not want.

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